These Powershell command lines can be used to list current directory size.
Command line to list current directory size.
ls | add-member -force -PassThru -name length -type scriptproperty -value { ls $this -Recurse -force | Measure-Object length -Sum | select -ExpandProperty sum }
Description: LS is a power shell command to list directory, A member length is added in conjunction with LS command to display the size of directory after calculating through measure command. Force parameter added after $this to check hidden file as well.
Command line to list current directory size and sort in descending order.
ls | add-member -force -PassThru -name length -type scriptproperty -value { ls $this -Recurse -Force | Measure-Object length -Sum | select -ExpandProperty sum } | Sort-Object length -Descending
Command line to list top 5 folders name occupying high space as compare to other folders in current directory, this can be change to list top 10 directory by just modifying from -first 5 to -first 10
ls | add-member -force -PassThru -name length -type scriptproperty -value { ls $this -RecurseĀ -force | Measure-Object length -Sum | select -ExpandProperty sum } | Sort-Object length -Descending | select -First 5
Command line to list current directory size and format the expression to display the size in GB.
ls | add-member -force -PassThru -name length -type scriptproperty -value { ls $this -Recurse -force | Measure-Object length -Sum | select -ExpandProperty sum } | Sort-Object length -Descending | Format-Table Name, @{label=“length”; expression={$_.length/1GB}; f=“{0:N2}”} -autosize