Command line tool for windows services, This command line tool will provide you the list of windows services of localhost and for remote host in the same domain network, for remote machine there is a command line switch need to use /RS (Remote System Name / IP Address). There are other command line switches available to filter the data.For help use Listservices /?

How to use: Download compressed file and extract it to folder, Run executable file from extracted folder to save a command. Open command prompt go to destination path to run the command.
Command: ListServices
Below command line switches can filter data as required.
Switch Available:
/RS: Remote Host IP (x.x.x.x) or Remote Host Name
/O: File will be saved in text format
/OC: File will be saved in CSV Format
/M: This switch can filter data by service mode weather service mode is Auto, Manual or disabled.
/S: This switch can filter data by state weather service state is running or stopped.
/N: This switch can filter data by service name containing some text.
C:\>Listservices /M:ma /S:r /N:svc /oc:c:\temp\abc.csv
Above command will list windows services filter by startup mode /M “Manual & Auto” whereas status /S is Running and service name /N contain word “svc” output /OC will saved in CSV file