Powershell Scripts – To manage your network systems.
Powershell is a scripting language built on .Net framework, and provides full access to COM and WMI and enable administrators to perform administrative tasks on both local and remote Windows systems, There are some scripts sometimes required in daily use, you will find most of them here.
List of Scripts
System Utilization – A script to see the system performance of local or Remote system ( Counter used to see the performance are (CPU, Physical Memory, Committed Bytes, Disk Time). performance output can be seen in graphs.
Get-Utilization – A script to see the system performance of local or Remote system, performance output will be shown in power shell command prompt.
Disk Usage in GB – A Powershell script to see the usage of system disk of local or remote system. This script will show the used space in terms of GB (How much GB is used)
Disk Usage in Percentage – A Powershell script to see the usage of system disk of local or remote system. This script will show the used space in terms of Percentage (How much % is used)
Directory with Size – A Powershell command line can be use to list current directory with size.
Get-DriveSize – A powershell command to list all drive with Total Drive Size, Free Space, %Free Space of local or remote system.
WWN, Firmware Version – A Powershell command line can be use to list HBA WWN, Firmware Version, ROM Version, Model.
MSTSC command line – A powershell function to automate RDP session just need to type a command like connect server1 and server1 will be RDP without prompting for user name password each time to login, First time you need to provide password.
NetStat – A script to list all ports with windows process name opened specific port.
DiskUsageEmail – A script will send a warning email of disk drive usage to the configured email address and also move those file to another location, when threshold will be met.