DiskPart command to manage Disks
DiskPart is a text-mode command to manage disk from command prompt, there are various action can be performed from command.
SELECT | Select an object (DISK, PARTITION, VOLUME, VDISK) Example to select object number (0,1,2…) Select Disk 0 Select Partition 0 Select Volume 0 Select Vdisk 0 |
LIST | List an object (DISK, PARTITION, VOLUME, VDISK) Example… List Disk List Partition List Volume List Vdisk |
DETAIL | Provide details about an object. Example… Detail Disk Detail Partition Detail Volume Detail Vdisk |
ACTIVE | Selected partition will be marked as active. |
ADD | Add a mirror to a simple volume |
ASSIGN | Assign a drive letter. |
ATTRIBUTES | Display selected Disk or Volume attributes. Example… Attributes Disk Attributes Volume |
ATTACH | Attaches a virtual disk file. |
AUTOMOUNT | Enable and disable automatic mounting of basic volumes. |
BREAK | Break a mirror set. |
CLEAN | Clear the configuration information, or all information, off the disk. |
COMPACT | Attempts to reduce the physical size of the file. |
CONVERT | Convert between different disk formats. |
CREATE | Create Volume Example… Create Volume Raid Create Volume Simple Create Volume Stripe Create Volume Mirror Create Partition EFI Create Partition Extended Create Partition Logical Create Partition MSR Create Partition Primary Create Vdisk File=”filename” |
DELETE | Delete an object. |
DETACH | Detaches a virtual disk file. |
EXIT | Exit DiskPart. |
EXTEND | Extend a volume. |
EXPAND | Expands the maximum size available on a virtual disk. |
FILESYSTEMS | Display current and supported file systems on the volume. |
FORMAT | Format the volume or partition. |
IMPORT | Import a disk group. |
INACTIVE | Mark the selected partition as inactive. |
ONLINE | Online an object that is currently marked as offline. |
OFFLINE | Offline an object that is currently marked as online. |
REMOVE | Remove a drive letter or mount point assignment. |
REPAIR | Repair a RAID |
RESCAN | Rescan the computer looking for disks and volumes. |
SAN | Display or set the SAN policy for the currently booted OS. |
SHRINK | Reduce the size of the selected volume. |