Windows Disk Inventory

It is difficult to collect Disk details of your remote computer specially if Remote computer is having disk type SAN, SAS and so on therefore We have created a tools to create windows disk inventory, you may need to put server name or ip address in servers.txt file to collect disk details of each server.

This Disk Inventory tool will collect disk data (Device Type, LUN ID) of your remote computers/Servers and then put that data in csv format file which you can further modify according to your own inventory template.

This tool doesn’t require any installation in your network, and works without any agent installed in your network.

Most of the required fields shall be collected as below.

Computer Name:
Disk ID:
Device Type: This can be SCSI, SAS, Fiber
Status: Online/Offline or N/A (Not Available)
LUN (Logical Unit No.) ID:

Disk Inventory (277.0 KiB)

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