
Tools Utilities to make your tasks easier.

You will find all tools utilities sometimes required in our daily use for supporting clients, your inputs are highly recommended and may leave your feedback and your suggestions here.

Display Installed Roles/Features: A GUI based tool to display all roles and features installed on local/remote computers/servers.

Display Installed Hotfixes: A command or GUI based tool to display Installed patches or hotfixes of your local or remote system with a features to filter data by hotfix Id and installed by.

 Inventory Creator:  A tool which will collect network computers data (ex. Name, Serial No, CPU, Speed, OS etc…) to make an inventory in excel format.

Display Installed Software: A command to display Installed Applications or Software of your local or remote system with a features to filter data by Name or filter to exclude software security updates.

Display System Services: A simple command to display windows services of local or remote system with the feature of filtering services by name,  status or start up mode.

Display System Process: A command or GUI based tool to display windows process of local or remote system with the feature of filtering process by name.

Shutdown Utility: Small GUI utility to logoff/shutdown/restart your windows based computer, helpful on windows 8/2012 where start button is not available.

Display Group Membership: A GUI based tool to display a list of users/groups who is member of local admin etc… and can extract details of remote computer.