
Windows Troubleshooting

Windows servers issues which comes on day to days basis, if you are working somewhere where you need to support remote servers environment then you will find good stuff here matching with your regular problems.

Backup is failing due to vss, some writers may stuck or stopped working due to some error and can be resolved by starting respective services mentioned in first link or may be VSS writers are corrupt that can be rebuild as documented in second link.

Backup is failing due to VSS writers Failed State
VSS writers rebuilding or re-registration


How to troubleshot WMI issues, all three levels of troubleshooting added which includes to rebuild.

WMI troubleshooting

Domain user is logged in with temp profile because user profile is corrupted.

Temp profile loaded


Disk is visible in My Computer but you are not able to access the content.

Disk Visible in My Computer but not accessible


Server Roles/Server features are not listed, Add/Remove software list is empty, Windows patches are not installing.

Windows Modules Installer service issue


ServerĀ  is rebooting again and again after patch installation

Server is in reboot loop after patching


you are getting error while opening MMC (Microsoft Management Console) snap in.

MMC not able to create snap in


You have emptied temp folder, deleted unwanted folders/files and uninstalled application but still you are not able to create space here you can open a link to follow the steps to create more space after compressing WinSXS folder

Compressing WinSXS folder


Here are some general commands to view/diagnose IMM, DRAC, ILOM, these are CLI commands used through SSH sessions.

IBM IMM CLI commands
Dell DRAC CLI commands
HP ILOM CLI commands


you are facing issue with the Cluster Services which is offline on the passive node and getting event id 1209, 118, and 1009.

Cluster Services on the passive node is offline


Identify the services running under a SVCHOST.EXE



NTLDR is missing on server windows 2003

NTLDR is missing


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